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The X Factor (US) Season 1 Episode 1 Season Premiere: Part

The X Factor is a game show-American singer in the UK, created by Simon Cowell and produced by SYCOtv. To be released on September 21, 2011 on Fox

As part of the franchise from Factor X, the show's format has many differences from its rivals, including American Idol, among others. The competition is open to individual artists and groups and has no age limit. Each judge is assigned one of four categories, whether girls between 12 and 30, children between 12 and 30, people aged 30 years or groups (some of which may be formed from rejected solo after hearing process). Through the live shows, judges act as mentors in their class, helping to decide the song choices, style and staging, while judging contestants in the other categories, but also compete to ensure that his act wins the competition, making them win the judge. The winner could receive a record $ 5 million deal with Epic Records.

Auditions will be held in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Seattle and Newark, NJ

Beyonce has recently made famous by the song during his big moment in Dream Girl screen, then ... No pressure, right? No competitor Melanie Amaro seems hypnotized the judges (even obtain a position O, Paula and Nicole), when the straps, "Listen," the U.S. during the X Factor inauguaral.