Witness to the paranormal is a television documentary series that explores the other side of the world, with people who say they have experienced an encounter with paranormal beings. The series is about bringing to life the stories of people who are said to have had paranormal experiences that require a full explanation. You can see the Paranormal Season 1 Episode 3 Online witness September 21, 2011 to hear another story, scary story, but interesting.
The episode of the next week is entitled "The Poltergeist / Audience in the wilderness," and here, a poltergeist is going to destroy and wreak havoc on a family in their new home in California. By the way, you know what a poltergeist? A poltergeist is a paranormal phenomenon that consists of a series of events with respect to the manifestation of a being almost imperceptible. In other news, however, a former congressman tells the story of the strange beast was found in the wilds of Oregon to lose not you dare to watch Episode 3 of the control line Paranormal. So do not waste Witness Paranormal Season 1 Episode 3: The Poltergeist / Audience in the desert in the free stream line September 21, 2011.
A family faces a vicious poltergeist in his new home in California, is a former deputy with a mysterious beast in the wilderness of Oregon is detailed.