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Blue Mountain State Season 3 Episode 2 The Captain

Mountain State Blue is an American sitcom that premiered on Spike on January 11, 2010. The producers of the series include Chris Romano and Eric Falconer is produced by Lionsgate Television.

Spike TV has confirmed that Season 3 will start September 21 with back-to-back episodes from 23:00 (Eastern).

Mountain State Blue series is a fictional school in the Midwestern United States and its football team fiction, "the goats". Addresses issues of university life as football, sex, booze, drugs, wild parties and hazing.

Before: A photo scandal Alex's phone is distributed on campus, while Harmon ponders how to respond to the images that suggest that accidentally received from Daniels and Debra at the premiere of Season 3. Sal Governale, Richard Christy.

In this episode, Alex meets a more important role on the team, while coach Debra Daniels begins to reconcile, but the emergence of a new offensive coordinator puts pressure on Daniels.

Genre: Comedy, Sport