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Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Episode 9: Picture This

In the previous episode of Season 2 Pretty Little Liars Episode 8 Save the Date speaking this time in the eighth inning of the growing tension and led to the victim of it, are reflected in the hospital. Meanwhile, elsewhere Spencer and Aria intend to use a hockey stick broken over the death experienced by Alison. Another action taken by the father of Hanna, according to the upcoming wedding and the possible departure of Caleb. 

Season 2 very liars Episode 9 Little Picture This Synopsis: In this next episode Jason talks about Rosewood From DiLaurentis again, there have been many questions about it. Some do not trust him and are suspicious of their motives for returning, while others see a different light. Spencer works out to discover what Jason is hiding in your home, and tags of Emily with her. Meanwhile, Aria fight the growing attraction to Jason. Meanwhile, Caleb Hanna helps with a difficult decision about his family, which in turn could help put your relationship with her father in perspective.