Damages is another program of legal television drama revolves around the story of a ruthless attorney (played by Glenn Close) who is trying to win a lawsuit against the former CEO of a corporation (Ted Danson) in behalf of their former workers. He is willing to do anything to win the case by any means necessary I could think of. It is probably difficult and frightening to battle against a high profile person and the rich, it can probably buy anything, including the justice system. But Patty Hewes just wanted to prove to anyone that the money can not buy anything, especially the dignity and integrity of a person.
Hewes knows that he is a huge stone hit by the fighting in the most respected and hated nation's high-risk trial. But he fears no one. Justice must be served and that can only be done when you put all the value you could get. You can see the damage Season 4 Episode 4 online for you to see connections Hewes and apparel.
In the previous episode of the series, Elena was the one who presented the case of Star high. She was also able to discover the cause of missions Chris was planned after taking his statement. And as for Erickson, volunteered to agree with Patty Patty while trying to search for Michael. Another case is exciting to be treated with our trial in the next episode of the series, Season 4 Episode 4 Damages, to be aired on August 3, 2011. In this next episode, Ellen will meet Nasim's son Chris Afghan contact. Meanwhile, Chris is going to be pressured by Erickson to give important information, while Patty can find important information about self-Star High. Do not you dare miss it!
Hewes knows that he is a huge stone hit by the fighting in the most respected and hated nation's high-risk trial. But he fears no one. Justice must be served and that can only be done when you put all the value you could get. You can see the damage Season 4 Episode 4 online for you to see connections Hewes and apparel.
In the previous episode of the series, Elena was the one who presented the case of Star high. She was also able to discover the cause of missions Chris was planned after taking his statement. And as for Erickson, volunteered to agree with Patty Patty while trying to search for Michael. Another case is exciting to be treated with our trial in the next episode of the series, Season 4 Episode 4 Damages, to be aired on August 3, 2011. In this next episode, Ellen will meet Nasim's son Chris Afghan contact. Meanwhile, Chris is going to be pressured by Erickson to give important information, while Patty can find important information about self-Star High. Do not you dare miss it!