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House Season 7 Episode 21 - The Fix

Our health plays a vital role in our respective lives. If a person is healthy, he or she can not function well, therefore, set aside some of the things to do like working for a living. Everyone deserves to be healthy which is why every time a person gets sick, they go immediately to a doctor and seek consultation and treatment. View House Season 7 Episode 21: The Fix line and try to meet the greatest doctor of all time.

Dr. Gregory House is an exceptional doctor. I do not know if someone like him exist in real life, but there's nothing else like it in this world, still greeting doctors because they are the heroes of modern life today. Try watching House Season 7 and meet this amazing doctor and be mesmerized as you can really do to save the life of a person.

Together with his team, Dr. House has failed to resolve the most complicated and complex puzzles that other doctors doctors could not understand. In the previous episode of the series, the team was a case of a lottery winner was affected by a partial paralysis. The team worked very hard to solve the medical puzzle. Meanwhile, did you know that Cuddy's mother sued the hospital? Other than that, Chase and Foreman made a bet with each other and the result was very fun.
Watch House Season 7 Episode 21: The solution. During this next episode, on the other hand, the House will have a boxer under his protection after trying to win a bet with Wilson, while the team suspects House has a different drug problem once again.