The event is a conspiracy thriller that follows high-octane Sean Walker (Jason Ritter, 'Entre les murs "), a regular Joe, who is investigating the disappearance of his girlfriend. In doing so, unknowingly, began to exhibit the greatest coverup in U.S. history. Also starring Blair Underwood as President of the United States, Laura Innes (ER) as a mysterious woman, and Scott Patterson ("Gilmore Girls") and Sean father-in-law, Zeljko Ivanek ("Damages") and Ian Anthony Dale.
The White House is facing the tragedy as Sterling continues the investigation into his prime suspect. Sofia (manipulates the traitor in the White House, confirming the suspicions of the Chief of Peel. Leila and Michael attempt to rescue Simon, but at enormous personal risk. On the other hand, Sean and Vicky try to identify Sofia secret mail before it is too late.